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Loot Bags

Milo - Disc Golf Nerd

Milo - Disc Golf Nerd

Regular price $11.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.00 USD
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Choosing Your Loot Bag
Every bag is made with a durable, moisture wicking sports-like material that offers a light stretch, UV-resistant thread, and a strong, secure loop in the corner. Silica gel beads are also in every bag to help keep the fill dry and loose.

Gemstones: Our largest bag, filled with natural clay

Pearls: A bit smaller but packed tight with chalk. A second, tight knit layer of fabric is used to prevent unnecessary leakage while still forming a nice cloud when pat

Royal Blend: The best of both worlds. The same size as our Medium Pearl, also double layered, but providing a blend of clay and chalk for meeting all your grip bag needs

Doubloon/Rosin: Popular as an add-in for our other blends, the doubloon is our rosin option. A lasting sticky feel that is perfect in both the extremely wet and extremely dry environments to create grip where otherwise impossible.
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